

Google never rates websites. It arranges your web pages

“Google ranked website, no website”. Don't confuse the two. Wenn Sie über die Wirkung dieser scheinbar unprätentiösen Aussage nachdenken, you will see, how to simplify many of your decisions in determining your organic addiction tactic.

It ends some of the more popular SEO debates, that we've all suffered from over the years.

What does that mean?

let us, without complicating things here, dive a little deeper, to learn, how this phrase messes things up and makes some of the other SEO pros really sad at times.

The term expresses, that Google treats every website that way, that their robots like their own small group of content, Crawl and index code and links.

While other websites concern this world, this world is in a larger galaxy, that does not concern Google.

In terms of ranking and indexing, the website can therefore be located on any domain, and Google will definitely treat them like them.

Why does it matter?

Because Google rates websites and not websites; Hence, these web pages can be used anywhere, independently of, whether it is a subdomain or a subfolder. Google would always treat them the same.

Once again we don't want to be in one world, where the failure of a webpage can drag the entire website down. That single page doesn't pull down your entire website, but only this one side.

One of the well known and effective SEO strategies, which are popular nowadays, are content hubs, also known as the pillar cluster model. They are based on the idea, ein 'Hub' – or to create a "Pillar" theme, that links to other sub-pages or pages "clusters" of subtopics, the details of the hub / Deliver pillar content.

One of the reasons, why this strategy works so well, is, that it enables a simple method, um die aus eingehenden Links zu Ihren Hauptthema-Hubs erworbene Autorität an die Unterthemen zu übergeben

Warum funktioniert es so gut?

Although the internal links may not perform as well when compared to external links, they still have high performance, since Google sees them all as a single website with its own authority.

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