

Implement smart goals with Google Analytics

Smart Goals is a reporting feature for the Google Analytics tool, the 2015 von Google eingeführt wurde. It has been developed, to provide support to advertisers, so that they can recognize visits from the target group, whose conversion is more likely. It's an excellent tool, that can be used in conjunction with Google Ads.

You can assume it, that this feature may no longer exist and indicate existing Google Analytic measurements. Unlike Google Analytics metrics, based on the target audience's activities on the website, However, Smart Goals delivers results, created by a computer. The results are based on several websites, who use Google Analytics.

Arbeiten in Google Analytics

Faktoren, who are responsible for generating a high conversion rate, are –

• Die Länge der Seance

• Seiten, die während der Sitzung durchsucht wurden

• Wo der Kunde existiert

• Das Gerät, das zum Aufrufen von Seiten ausgenutzt wurde

Wie fange ich an?

Before you can accomplish this, you need to connect to google analytics- and create AdWords accounts. Stimulate smart goals in Google Analytics, then import smart goals into ads. As soon as they are done, you can start optimizing the smart goals in ads.

How can that be done?

Once your Google Analytics- and AdWords accounts are linked and the setting “Google products and services” has been activated for the Analytics account, it is time, Simplify smart goals. For beginners, choose the right sort for your smart goals, while performing the setup. Then import your smart goals into your ads. The next step is to optimize ad performance through smart goals.

As soon as they are done, leave it alone. Give him a couple of weeks, to work, and there should be enough time, to create and collect the necessary data. Once the data is ready, divide the costs by the number of smart goals, that you have successfully achieved. The result is your cost per acquisition, or CPA. You can customize the CPA, to align them with the project goals and objectives.

Grenzen und Einschränkungen

Obwohl Smart Goals über mehrere Bereiche verfügt, is it not customizable or customizable, so the user experience may not be essential. Smart targets only work for website views. Customer views, that reach your website via a mobile app, will not be considered, which can lead to accounting problems.

If you run a small business and want to start your campaigns, Exploring Smart Goals is a great way to do it, start the process.

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