

New metric “First 24 Hours” added to YouTube

YouTube will introduce a new metric, mit der Inhaltsersteller die Funktion eines Videos in den ersten 24 Analyze hours after its publication. Aside from the number of public calls, data was from the first 24 Hours of a video never earlier available to the creators.

It can now be accessed in the video analysis section in the YouTube Creator Studio. To restore this data, just choose “First 24 Hours” from the date picker in the upper right corner.

First 24 Stunden Daten

Nachdem Sie die ersten 24 Selected hours from the date picker, you will find a detailed dataset, that of the primary 24 Hours after the video was posted.

If you are the first 24 Open hours, you will be confirmed with a total at the top of your screen. The summary provides you with quick information about the total views recorded and about them, how these differ from the performance of previous videos.

While the summary above is helpful, to figure out, how the data is compared to other videos, you can plow a little deeper. With the start of the first 24 Hours of data for each video allows YouTube creators, compare two videos side by side.


Verkehrsquellen werden in folgende Kategorien unterteilt:

1. Browsing functions: Views, which come from YouTube recommendations.

2. Alerts or notifications: Views, perceived by subscribers after clicking on a notification.

3. Channel pages: Views of people, who click on a video on your channel page.

4. External: Views, that are received, when people find videos off-site, With. B. social media.

5. Direct: Views of people, that maneuver directly to the URL.

The comparison of the volatilities in the overtime of the search functions can be an indication of this, how the YouTube recommendation algorithm reacts to your videos. Although it is not all, novelty is one of the important factors, which are taken into account by the YouTube algorithm. That makes the first 24 Hours of video so important, as if it makes the most of the freshness signal.

Andere Informationen

Daten, those in the first 24 Hours of video collected on YouTube, are accessible for all newly published videos.

Historical data is available for videos, the off 2019 were published. Data for videos, the before 2019 were published, will not be in the first 24 Hours displayed.

First be 24 Hours of data not open for live streaming, that has its own analyzes.

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