

Understand social media statistics

The majority of social media platforms now have thousands of millions every day / Billions of active users worldwide. However, many companies are not yet familiar with this excellent marketing route.

If you are still not sure, whether you should take advantage of social media channels and what they mean for your company, this article on social media marketing will help you.

Schnellansicht der Social Media-Statistiken

  • More than 3,5 Milliarden Menschen auf der ganzen Welt nutzen soziale Medien
  • In 2k19 war TikTok das schnell wachsende Medium für soziale Netzwerke
  • Verbraucher geben bekanntermaßen über 40 Percent more capital for brands, die soziale Medien nutzen

Fakten zum Social Media Marketing

  • Ca. 80 Prozent der Internetnutzer nutzen soziale Medien

Untersuchungen haben gezeigt, that almost 3,5 Billions of people around the world use social media, although many social media platforms do not allow underage users to do so, to sign up.

  • User average 2 Stunden pro Tag in sozialen Medien

Die Menschen verbringen viel Zeit in sozialen Medien als jede andere Internetquelle.

  • over 3,25 Milliarden Menschen nutzen Social Media in sozialen Medien

over 92 Percent of all social media users access these social media platforms with their mobile devices. This indicates that, that using mobile devices for easy access to social media is more well known than general internet use.

This underlines, how important it is to marketers, Targeted use of social media, to focus on mobile content creation. With the right social media marketing tools, you can get your content in front of the target audience.

  • Social media users aged 16 to 24 Years are 3 Stunden pro Tag aktiv

Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene nutzen soziale Medien wie nie zuvor und verbringen durchschnittlich 7 Hours. Companies have to think outside the box, to reach this age group. It has been proven, that they are up to 40 Percent of global users.

Social Media Marketing Trends

  1. TikTok wurde von Benutzern einer Altersgruppe von 13 to 16 Years ago in the US only used for the same percentage as Twitter and Instagram.
  2. over 55 Percent of customers of all ages essentially trust user-generated content over other forms of marketing.

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