

Twitter fleets, to encourage more tweets


Twitter has introduced a new method of tweeting, known as the Fleet. Fleet ähnelt Instagram- or WhatsApp stories and is a temporary tweet, the up to 24 Lasts for hours and then disappears. the aim is, encourage more users to do so, not to become passive, by joining such conversations in a way, that feels safe.

Flotten ermutigen mehr Tweets

Twitter says, that they have feedback from multiple users, who feel angry due to the public and constant tweeting nature. Because of this, Twitter says, that most tweets stay in draft mode.

There is a phenomenon in online communities, that lurks (hidden). Each community has a number of users, who do not participate. Such users are known as lurkers.

This new feature from Twitter acknowledges and states this process, that the purpose of introducing these fleets is, Eliminate the risk of permanent and public tweeting, by the tweet only 24 Is valid for hours.

Flotten auf der ganzen Welt getestet

Laut Twitter wurde diese brandneue Funktion bereits in Ländern wie Indien, Brazil, Italy and South Korea tested. And the feedback was reassuring, that there are users, who are new to Twitter, helped, to publish their thoughts more easily, and that the number of tweets from long-term users contributed to this, to increase the number.

Twitter attributed the escalation in tweets to users, who feel comfortable with this format, while they exchange their thoughts and opinions.

Mehrere Freigabeoptionen

Twitter proklamierte, that users can share a variety of media and reactions in their fleet. Unlike regular Tweets, however, Fleets offer additional style options like setting the background and energetic ways to style text.

Arbeitsprozess der Flotten

Der einfache Vorgang zum Posten eines Flotten-Tweets auf Twitter erfolgt in den folgenden Schritten:

1. Look for a tweet.

2. Tap the share icon, which is available in this tweet.

3. Now tap on Share in fleet in the available options.

4. Now tap the fleet button, to share the tweet in your fleet.

5. And you are done.

Verfügbarkeit der Twitter-Flotten

Diese temporären (for 24 Hours) Fleets will unwind worldwide in the coming days. Fleet is for everyone Android- and iOS-based Twitter apps. A few more features will be added to the fleets based on user feedback.

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