

What do keywords mean in blogging?

Schlüsselwörter sind das Schlüsselelement in jedem Blog-Beitrag bei der Definition der SEO-Strategie. If you understand, how to use keywords in your blog post and use them accordingly in title, Meta descriptions and place on the page, get off to a tremendous start compared to your competitors.

Find out some useful tips on using the best keywords on blog posts, to rank high in search engines. This is how you can generate massive traffic.


Es ist das einfachste und zugleich grundlegendste Element jeder Blogging-Strategie. When figuring out the best and fitting keyword for a blog, you can find out, Which search queries users use to find answers to their questions. This way, when creating a blog post, you will get an idea.

Every search query is a hunt for Google. The main task is, deliver extremely satisfactory results to the user. It becomes necessary, to write the content, der die Bedürfnisse der Benutzer erfüllt und die richtigen Schlüsselwörter in einem Blog-Beitrag enthält

So suchen Sie nach Stichwörtern für Blogs

Welche Bedeutung hat die Suchabsicht der Benutzer bei der Suche nach Schlüsselwörtern? Search intent primarily relates to finding the purpose behind a user's search query, to understand, whether the user wants to buy online or just looking for information related to information. You can use keyword research tools like Ahrefs, Ubersuggest, SEMrush usw. use.

Informationen zur Verwendung von Keywords

  1. Try, create keywords decorated with titles, and make sure, that your keyword has a high search volume in the page title.
  2. Make sure you have healthy keyword density throughout your blog.
  3. Write for users, d. H. Never make up for the quality of your post. Don't just put keywords in your blog post. Your blog post needs to meet users' requests.
  4. Try, Your focus keywords in the first 100 Insert words from your blog post. This tactic is vital, as it suggests to Google and the users the main reason for writing the blog.
  5. Do not forget, make the internal link accordingly, to improve the authority and hierarchy of the site.

Keywords were, are and will remain the most important Google ranking factor for content and website. The strategy, how a person uses them in their content, however, it will continue to evolve.

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